‘Ahqahizu’ Unveiling
North Side, York Lions Stadium
Tuesday, June 21st, 2016
After over 200 days of work, Ruben Komangapik and Koomuatuk (Kuzy) Curley will unveil Ahqahizu,their ambitious collaboration celebrating Inuit culture at York University. Ahqahizu is a Pan Am @ York project and major creative initiative of the York University-based Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant, Mobilizing Inuit Cultural Heritage:a multi-media / multi-platform re-engagement of voice in visual art (MICH).
The unveiling celebration AHQAHIZU will include drumming by Mathew Nuqingaq, remarks by York University President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri, Joshua Stribbell of theTorontomiutaujugut youth organization, and the artists, the serving of Inuit country food, and a featured performance by Susan Aglukark.
The celebration begins at 1pm at the North entrance to York Lions Stadium. Campus map available here.